Home Accessibility Expenses Tax Credit
The HATC is a non-refundable tax credit for eligible home renovation or alteration expenses that allow a qualifying individual to gain access to, or to be mobile or functional within the eligible dwelling or reduce the risk of harm to the qualifying individual within the dwelling or in gaining access to the dwelling.
The HATC is calculated by applying the lowest personal income tax rate (15% in 2022) to an amount that is currently the lesser of $10,000 and the eligible expenses in respect of an eligible dwelling for the taxation year. The taxpayer may claim a tax credit of up to $1,500. Eligible expenses must be incurred for work performed or goods acquired in respect of a qualifying renovation of an eligible dwelling of a qualifying individual.
***For the 2022 and subsequent taxation years, the Budget proposes to increase the annual expense limit of the HATC to $20,000, which would provide a tax credit of up to $3,000.
March of Dimes Canada
Funded by the Ontario Government Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility, March of Dimes Canada’s Home and Vehicle Modification Program provides funding for basic home and/or vehicle modifications. By reducing or eliminating physical barriers which create life safety risks, modifications, adaptations, and devices enable children and adults with mobility restrictions to continue living in their homes, avoid job loss, and participate in their communities.
The HVMP provides funding for basic and essential solutions directly addressing physical barriers within a home explicitly related to an applicant's disability and current mobility restrictions.
Goals of the program include:
Remove or minimize a life safety risk
Prevent hospitalization/institutionalization
Allow discharge from the hospital/institution
Avoid loss of employment and income
Allow a caregiver to meet the responsibilities of caring for a dependant with a disability
Supporting children and adults to participate in developmental/community activities
If eligible, you may apply for:
Up to $15,000 lifetime maximum for home modifications, adaptions and devices
Up to $15,000 for vehicle modifications every 10 years
Easter Seals Canada
Easter Seals Ontario offers funding for essential mobility and accessibility equipment for children and youth who are registered with our organization.
Easter Seals Ontario eligible items include:
Porch Lifts
Portable Ramps
Building Materials for ramp ONLY
Ceiling Track Lift system for bedroom and bathroom ONLY
Portable Lifts
Stair Lifts
Accessibility aid must be authorized by a health care professional and two quotes submitted with the application. The need for a second quote may be waived if there is only one equipment provider in the community.
Ceridian Cares
Ceridian Cares is committed to being an employee driven charity that makes a difference supporting people and improving communities in which we live and work. To that end, Ceridian Cares intends to make grants to eligible recipients in range from $200 to $5,000 to support people and improve our communities.
These are examples only. List is not exhaustive. Grants typically range from $200 to $4,000 with a maximum of $5,000.
Basic Needs, such as food, blankets, cookware/dishes, small appliances, towels, diapers, personal hygiene, etc.
Purchase of necessary medical/mobility equipment.
Dental, hearing, and eye care (we will consider expenses not covered by other sources such as government or employer health benefits).
Essential seasonal clothing, boots, shoes, children’s clothing, work clothing, outerwear.
Home adjustments for barrier free living, such as wheelchair ramps, shower supports, lifts, etc. Please see note below about requests for a portion of a larger expense.
Therapies such as physiotherapy, chiropractic, or psychotherapy, etc., that are needed for acute issues with specific short/medium-term timeframes (under 6 months) and that have clear outcome goals.
Utility bills.
Essential car repairs.
Furniture – with limits – please see below. Requests for furniture such as a mattress, sofa, crib, tables or chairs now have dollar caps. Medical or special needs furniture is an exception to this rule and will be considered without caps on a case-by-case basis.
Ontario Seniors Care at Home Tax Credit
The Ontario Seniors Care at Home Tax Credit is a refundable personal income tax credit to help low- to moderate-income seniors with eligible medical expenses, including expenses that support aging at home or one’s place of residence. For example, a house, an apartment, a retirement home or any other establishment providing residence and care for people with special needs.
The credit provides up to 25% of claimable medical expenses up to $6,000, for a maximum credit of $1,500. This amount is reduced by 5% of family net income over $35,000 and fully phased out by at most $65,000.
Medical Expense Tax Credit
The medical expense tax credit is a non-refundable tax credit that you can use to reduce the tax that you paid or may have to pay. If you paid for healthcare expenses, you may be able to claim them as eligible medical expenses on your tax return. These expenses include a wide range of products, procedures and services, such as:
medical supplies
dental care
travel expenses
Generally, you can claim all amounts paid, even if they were not paid in Canada.
You can only claim the part of an eligible expense for which you have not been or will not be reimbursed.
Family Caregiver Tax Credit
What is the Canada caregiver credit?
Do you support a spouse or common-law partner, or a dependant with a physical or mental impairment? The Canada caregiver credit (CCC) is a non-refundable tax credit that may be available to you.
Who can you claim this credit for?
You may be able to claim the CCC if you support your spouse or common-law partner with a physical or mental impairment.
You may also be able to claim the CCC if one or more of the following individuals depend on you for support because of a physical or mental impairment:
your (or your spouse's or common-law partner's) child or grandchild
your (or your spouse's or common-law partner's) parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, niece, or nephew (if they resided in Canada at any time in the year)
An individual is considered to depend on you for support if they rely on you to regularly and consistently provide them with some or all of the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter and clothing.
What amount can you claim?
The amount you can claim depends on your relationship to the person you are claiming the CCC for, your circumstances, the person’s net income, and whether other credits are being claimed for that person.
For your spouse or common-law partner, you may be entitled to claim an amount of $2,499 in the calculation of line 30300. You could also claim an amount up to $7,999 on line 30425.
For an eligible dependant 18 years of age or older (who is a person you are eligible to make a claim for on line 30400), you may be entitled to claim an amount of $2,499 in the calculation of line 30400. You could also claim an amount up to $7,999 on line 30425. See the note below.
For an eligible dependant under 18 years of age at the end of the year (who is a person you are eligible to make a claim for on line 30400), you may be entitled to claim an amount of $2,499 in the calculation of line 30400 or on line 30500 for your child. See the note below.
For each of your or your spouse’s or common-law partner’s children under 18 years of age at the end of the year, you may be entitled to claim an amount of $2,499 on line 30500. See the note below.
For each dependant 18 years of age or older who is not your spouse or common-law partner or an eligible dependant whom an amount is claimed for on line 30300 or line 30400, you may be entitled to claim an amount up to $7,999 on line 30450.
Toronto Renovates Homeowners Program​
Due to insufficient provincial program funding, the Toronto Renovates Homeowners Program has been discontinued and is not expected to be reactivated.